About Hightown Baptist


Hightown Baptist Church can be found in Reginald Street in the hightown area of Luton.

Click here to see location on a map.


The church was formed on the 23rd August 1906 as the Luton Branch of the Old Baptist Union. The Church's founder and first Pastor was Rev G.F. Hobbs.

In February 1910 it was decided to purchase some ground in Reginald Street for the sum of £147:7s:2d, on which the current main church building was subsequently built. The chapel being formally opened on the 11th January 1913 by Rev H.W. Hobbs.

There has been an evangelical christian witness, to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, at this location ever since. It is our aim to always provide teaching based on God's Word, the Bible, which is forever contemporary and relevant to everyday life.














Hightown Baptist Church


The church building before 1987 -

Church before 1987



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